Take your leads from cold to sold in as little as 14 days

When most people get a lead, they never follow up through email. They get an email address, and they don't know what to do with it.
Here's what we do, and a little how-to video at the bottom...
They might send them marketing emails from time to time, but by leaving your email contact list to collect dust you’re encouraging them to forget about you and move on to one of your competitors.
What I’m going to show you is a quick and easy way to encourage your prospects into a sales conversation within the first 14 days of them joining your mailing list. The outcome would be to get a response from these leads, get them into a sales conversation and take them from cold to sold as quickly as possible.
The idea is to mix slightly formal-tone messages with more direct, informal ones.
It’s important here to keep the tone still you. You don’t want to be portraying yourself as someone you’re not, ‘cause when they come to buy from you, they’ll realise you’re not what they expected (and that isn’t always a good thing…).
So, to start you off, I’m going to give you the bare bones to play with so you can build upon your process in a way that suits you and your business.
Here’s how you structure your 14-day Welcome Sequence…
Day 0: Welcome to My World
On the day they opt-in and sign onto your email list, it’s the perfect opportunity to position yourself and welcome them to your world. It’s an opportunity to capture their attention straight away, and the prime opportunity to position yourself as an authority.
The first email they receive from you will always have the highest open rate. So utilise its power, introduce yourself, and tell your prospect why you’re the expert they need to listen to.
Day 1: A personal message
The next email will be a simple, short 9-word email. It’s essentially a super casual, informal message that looks like it could be a personal message from you. It should look like you’ve gone out of your way to send them a message.
Again, this is to coax a response and get them into a sales conversation – questions tend to work best, because you’re almost always leaving it open for an answer. Providing a statement will likely leave you at a dead-end.
Make sure whatever you send it has a purpose. You don’t want to be asking how their wife and kids are (because they damn-well know you don’t really give a fuck about that).
Day 3, 6 and 9: Twist the knife
These are the pain-point emails. If they haven’t responded to your initial two emails, they’re keeping their distance. You know they have a problem you can solve (because they’ve opted-in to your list), but they’re keeping you at arm's length. So now it’s time to twist the knife.
Here, we’re digging deep into their pain points and offering a solution to fix that pain.
Day 12: Wanna work together?
So now you’ve introduced yourself as the expert, held out your hand for a handshake and twisted the knife into their pain… now you’ve solidified the ground work, it’s time to make a direct offer.
Similar to the 9-word email, keep it informal and make it look like a personal message from you. You wanna keep it short and sweet, making a direct offer:
Wanna work with me to increase your profits in the next 30 days?
Wanna add some spark to your website?
Wanna work with me to manage your next project?
Don’t overthink it – you’ve shown them you can solve their pain, so now ask the question.
Day 14: The End...
You’ve come to the end of the prospect’s first 14 days, and they’re still sat in your contact list having not put their hand up to engage in conversation. That’s OK – at this point, they can go directly to your daily email list to keep receiving messages from you to keep you front of mind.
Shoot them a quick email telling them they’re going to start receiving daily emails from you, where you ‘share useful tips’ or ‘talk about X’.
And so their 14-day initiation ends.
So, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to get your 14-day Welcome Sequence started…
Nice one Conor, I’ve been meaning to revamp my initial autoresponder emails for a while and this is just the ticket
You could always post them in the Silver Forum if you wanted feedback…
Glad you liked it Mike, did you get it done?
9 word email???
Forgive my late response, but a 9-word email is simple.
Want to work with to ‘DESIRABLE OUTCOME?'”
So we’d say…
“Want to work with us to double your profits?”
Crispy advice and tips. Thanks Connor
Forgive my tardy response, I’ve been on holiday. You’re more than welcome, did you implement anything?
Thank you for this Connor. Very useful. Must revamp mine…