Old-school ad critique (by popular request)

I've been asked by a shitload of people about print advertising in general and the ad we ran in Freelancer magazine in particular.
So I figured I'd do a video critique of my own ad, just to give you some idea of how ads should look if you want them to be effective.
But it's not just about the ad or the copy. For an ad to work it has to have what's called message to market match. Not only that but it also has to have flow between the ad and the page it lands on so the reader's thought processes aren't interrupted or jarred.
Writing ads is a specialist skill, as I've said before, and not something to be left to graphic designers, website designers, or content writers.
This month's Inner Circle training — Wednesday, 27th July, at 2pm — is Website Revolution and I'll be digging into flow and website visitor intent in detail.
You need to understand both of these if you want to write successful offline ads.

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